About Us

“Internet-Beschwerdestelle.de” is a joint project of eco – Association of the Internet Industry and the German Association for Voluntary Self-Regulation of Digital Media service providers (FSM e.V.).

eco and the FSM have been operating hotlines for the reporting of illegal and harmful online content for over 25 years. With the shared website www.internet-beschwerdestelle.de, which has been in operation since 2004, eco and the FSM offer a first point of contact for Internet users to inform themselves about the safe use of the Internet, and to submit complaints.



The eco and the FSM complaints offices were established through the initiative of a range of Internet industry companies. They are also part of an international network: eco and the FSM are founding members of INHOPE, the umbrella association of Internet hotlines (www.inhope.org), through which the hotlines cooperate efficiently at the international level.

“Internet-Beschwerdestelle.de” is funded by the European Union as a part of the German Safer Internet Centre.